Every time a new conference comes up I have this huge internal battle. Part of me wants so attend, part of me knows I should attend, and the other part of me makes up excuses. Who wants to pay the money, travel, take time off work, or sleep in hotels?

There are benefits. Once you get there you are always happy you went. I always get my monies worth and I will always walk away with something that will change my life forever. There is nothing like face-to-face interaction. We need it!

Last week I took the trip down to Arizona for Icon2014. I heard Seth Godin, Simon Sinek and a couple of others speakers. Imagine being in a room full of amazing people looking for improvement. There is power in it. There is just something in the air that gets passed around to all of us. Great ideas flow and inspiration is like oxygen. I realized that conferences are all about the Ideas and if we implement the ideas then our businesses and lives will change for the better.

When I got home, I found two YouTube videos that are basically the same talks. YouTube is amazing. I hope you like them.