Social Media Marketing Works.
(…after all, it’s what got you here.)
From the desk of Jace Vernon
Dear Friend,
Social Media Marketing is the future of advertising as we know it.
The proof is in the fact you’re reading this right now.
Here’s how you got here:
First, you saw some of our content on social media.
It was put in front of you on purpose because you’re in our target market.
But it wasn’t just the content itself that got you here.
It was the strategy behind it.
Here’s how the strategy played out:
First, we targeted you with our content because you “fit the mold” of someone we can probably get good results for as a client.
Then, we made sure the content you saw was actually helpful to you.
A lot of care and effort went into that part because it’s one of the most important parts of the equation.
The reason why is because you and I both know the real key to having someone want to do business with you is to have them…
Sincerely believe you can actually help them.
And the most effective way to get someone to believe that is to …well, actually help them.
So that’s the first thing that got your attention.
We put content in front of you that actually helped you and then…
You consumed it
We know you consumed it because the social networks we put the content on actually tracked your behavior.
They knew you watched it.
Then they started showing you more content and offers.
Here’s exactly what happened:
You watched content from Frank Kern or Grant Cardone.
It helped you.
Then we made you the offer to become a client.
You paid attention because you’ve already gotten value from us.
…And now you’re here.
Simple. Helpful. AND IT WORKS.
So let’s talk about how we can use this strategy to build your brand …and get you sales at the same time.
It all starts with the message.
The first thing we’ll do is figure out your messaging strategy.
This is a fancy way of saying “we’ll figure out exactly what to say so people like you and want to buy from you.”
Most people get this all wrong, which is why you and I have such a huge opportunity.
They spend all their time trying to look cool, or trying to look like everyone else, or focusing on dumb stuff that simply gets attention but doesn’t sell.
You’ll do the opposite because we’ll reverse engineer the psychology, needs, and desires of your market …and then we’ll focus on the messaging that actually makes them want to buy from you.
Again – notice why you’re here.
You saw messaging from us that helped you. That was very carefully created to actually deliver value and to “warm you up” for an eventual pitch.
Then you saw a really soft “pitch” to become a Cardone Kern client.
And here you are.
We’ll create the same experience for your prospects.
Here’s how.
Every piece of content needs to include some kind of a call to action …also known as an offer.
After all …think of who’s going to be consuming your stuff.
These are the people who have grown to know, like, and trust you as a result of your content.
And of course, these are the very best possible prospects because you’ve already built a bond with them.
They already know you.
They already like you.
They already trust you.
And chances are, they already want what you’re selling.
So now it’s time to sell it.
Step 1: WHAT TO SAY.
Before any content is created, our team will work with you personally to craft the perfect message and the perfect angle to be the most magnetic to your target market.
In other words, we tell you exactly what to say and how to say it in order to cause people to know, like, and trust your brand.
We don’t put words in your mouth or make you follow a script or anything “canned”.
Instead, we give you the overall theme of your core messages. Then we give you a framework to follow, and then you get your message out of your head and in front of your market.
But there’s a catch
Here it is:
You can’t just throw any old sales pitch in front of them and expect it to work …even though they already know, like, and trust you.
If you do it wrong, you’ll break that bond …and all your hard work will go down the drain.
But if you do it right, you’ll be able to make offers to your bonded prospects repeatedly …without sacrificing the relationship.
And the best part is you’ll see better sales when you do.
So that’s what we do in step two.
We help you craft the offers that bring in sales.
The content and offers you create will be specifically designed to do two things:
1. Maintain the relationship you already have with people who follow you.
2. Turn complete strangers into raving fans and customers, quickly.
That second part is where most people drop the ball.
They think you can just make a bunch of posts and the money will come.
It won’t.
To really scale and grow your business, you need to use the content and offers we make for you as ads.
This is really the secret sauce.
The idea is that when you do this, you’ll get to the point where the advertising itself is profitable …and you’re essentially getting paid to build your brand.
This just lets you grow the brand bigger and faster than ever.
But you can’t do it without the traffic strategy.
Here’s how to get started.
This service starts at $2,800 per month and even though it’s not expensive, it’s definitely not for everybody.
It’s only for people who have a business up and running already. You must be actively selling stuff. And you must be willing to advertise.
So if you’ve got an existing business and a sales process that works, we can create campaigns that bring you raving fan customers in droves.
Oh …and if you’re interested, keep your money.
I don’t want you to pay me a dime until you and I are both 100% certain this is the best thing for you to do right now.
And there’s no way either one of us can really know that unless we talk and get to know each other.
So if you’re interested, let’s set up a time to talk ASAP.
We’ll answer any questions you have, and we’ll ask you a few as well.
And if we all decide we’re a good fit, then we can move forward.
And if we don’t, that’s fine. If you’re happy, we’re happy. It really is that simple.
So with that said, fill out your info below and we’ll schedule a time to talk ASAP.
Jace Vernon