Business Owner, Speaker, Investor
The Game I Like To Play
I own or create businesses that create cash flow. I take the cash flow and invest in RENTDUE Capital or I buy real estate that provides appreciation, depreciation, and more cash flow.
I love helping businesses grow with online marketing, capital, and consulting. If you are looking for a speaker, a consultant, an agency, or an investor. You found me!
If you want to be friends, you can follow me by visiting the links below.
P.S. I am the only 6’2″ white guy to dunk on SHAQ. (true story)

My Skills
I own a lot of Real Estate and run an Options Trading Fund called RENTDUE Capital.
I have spent the last 14 years of my life creating leads, sales, and marketing campaigns. I am good at it and would love to chat with you about marketing.
Running A Profitable Business
I love business and I love profits. I cringe when companies do not produce profits.
Love speaking in front of audiences about marketing, growing a business, finance and investing. If you are looking for a speaker, email me at
Briefly about me
As you might have guessed by the picture, I have lots of kids. They spend my money and take up most of my free time. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I pursue my passions: sports, investing, and entrepreneurship. I am lucky enough to wake up every day and enjoy work.
To unwind, I like to read (business books; marketing books, spiritual books, biographies, and self-help books) and play a lot of sports.
Retirement is not a goal of mine but owning 5000 units and 20 businesses is.
We will see how it goes.

“The ride has not always been sunshine and rainbows. Here are a few things I have learned along the way”